Workers’ Comp Insurance

Workers’ Comp Insurance Coverage in Albuquerque, NM

If you own a business, you often need workers’ comp insurance. To ensure you have accurate and adequate coverage, turn to J.B. Martin Insurance Agencies for help. We can assist you in finding the right workers’ comp insurance coverage for your needs in Albuquerque, NM.

What Businesses Require Workers’ Comp Insurance?

Most businesses need workers’ comp insurance unless they are exempt. First, any business that employs three or more people usually requires workers’ compensation, along with some businesses that have workers in both New Mexico and other states as well. Some employees, like those in real estate or domestic service, might not require coverage. Also, independent contractors or executive employees may not require coverage as well.

What Does Workers’ Compensation Cover?

Workers’ compensation is necessary for helping employees who sustain injuries on the clock. It generally covers rehabilitation, long- and short-term disabilities, medical expenses and treatment, and lost wages. It doesn’t usually cover injuries off the clock, injuries due to intoxication, or injuries from reckless actions at work.

How Can We Help?

If you are new to workers’ comp insurance, then let us help you know what you need. We will go over the coverage you are required to have and the rules surrounding claims. Our friendly and helpful insurance agents also will find the right coverage that works for your business size, budget, and specific needs. As independent agents, we work for you—not any specific insurance carrier.

How Can You Learn More?

If you want to see what workers’ comp insurance coverage is best for you, we’re here to help. Please call us at (505) 888-8846, or reach out to us online. We will be happy to go over all the specifics of your business and provide answers to all your questions and concerns. Please let us know how we can assist you.

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